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Piyoli Phukan : The First Anti-British Awakening in Assam ৬০০ বছৰীয়া গৌৰৱময় আহোম সাম্ৰাজ্যৰ অন্ত পৰিল মূলতঃ মোৱাবীয়াৰ গণ বিদ্ৰোহ আৰু মানে অসম আক্ৰমণৰ বাবে। আহোম শাসনৰ শেষৰ দিনত তেওঁলোকৰ ভিতৰত ক্ষমতাৰ বাবে বিভিন্ন সংগ্ৰাম চলিছিল। সেই সংঘাতৰ সুযোগ লৈ মানসকলে আহি অসম জয় কৰিলে। আহোম ৰজাই অসমবাসীক মানসকলৰ নিষ্ঠুৰContinue Reading

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British Rule in Assam The first revolt against British rule in Assam was a pivotal moment, showcasing people’s resilience against colonial oppression. Led by Gomdhar Konwar, Piyoli Phukan, and Maniram Dewan, it epitomized the spirit of resistance and freedom. Gomdhar Konwar, a fearless leader, mobilized communities against British hegemony, inspiringContinue Reading

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The Arrival of the British and the End of Ahom Rule in Assam How British Rule Began in Assam ??? Assam’s rich history includes a period of significant transition as British colonial rule extended its reach into the region during the early 19th century. This article delves into the circumstancesContinue Reading