GK Assam

GK Assam Question Part 2 GK Assam Question Part 2 Q1. In which part of Assam is the Terai Zone situated? Ans – East Zone Q2. During Indian Independence, how many districts did Assam have? Ans – 13 Q3. Who established the Barpeta Satra in Barpeta? Ans – Sri MadhabContinue Reading

Assam GK 1

Assam GK Question Part 1 Q1. Which city is called the Gateway to Northeast? Ans – Guwahati Q2. Who was the first to start the system of land surveying in Assam? Ans – Gadadhar Singha Q3. Where was coal discovered and excavated first in Assam? Ans – Makum Q4. HimaContinue Reading

The Varman Dynasty

The Varman Dynasty (অসমীয়াত প​ঢ়িবলৈ তললৈ  Scroll ক​ৰক​) The political history of Assam dates back to the reign of the Burman dynasty. In prehistoric Assam, we found Austrian Asians. There is no historical evidence of the entry of the Mongoloids into Assam and the establishment of the dynasties of DanavaContinue Reading

📅 **AHSEC HS 1st Year Exam Routine 2024 Released!** AHSEC HS 1st Year Routine 2024: Exciting news for Higher Secondary First Year students! The Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC) has officially unveiled the schedule for the Assam HS 1st Year Examination 2024. – **Exam Commencement:** 21st March 2024 –Continue Reading

ADRE 2024

Embark on a transformative journey towards securing your Government Grade III and Grade IV jobs with our intensive ADRE 2024 Success Accelerator Program. Tailored for excellence, this crash course is meticulously designed to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and confidence needed to ace the ADRE 2024 exam and interview.Continue Reading

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The Arrival of the British and the End of Ahom Rule in Assam How British Rule Began in Assam ??? Assam’s rich history includes a period of significant transition as British colonial rule extended its reach into the region during the early 19th century. This article delves into the circumstancesContinue Reading

Celebrating Our Voices: A Look at International Mother Language Day Every year on February 21st, we joyfully celebrate International Mother Language Day, a special day dedicated to honoring the beautiful array of languages spoken worldwide. Initiated by UNESCO in 1999, this celebration emphasizes the significance of diverse languages in preservingContinue Reading

Prehistoric Assam

Prehistoric Assam : First People in Assam অসমৰ প্ৰথম মানৱ গোষ্ঠী Prehistoric Assam: কেতিয়াবা আমাৰ মনত এইটো প্ৰশ্ন আহেনে যে আমি এতিয়া য’ত আছো সেই ঠাইখিনিত আজিৰ পৰা ১০০ বছৰ আগত কি আছিল ? ১০০০ বছৰ মান আগত কি আছিল ? বা এই ঠাইখিনিত প্ৰথমে কোন মানুহে বাস কৰিছিল? এইটোContinue Reading